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< Back to the blogUnifying contact channels while promoting the brand's new digital solutions: Engie's visual IVR project seemed ambitious but not impossible to achieve. After more than a year of activation, here's a first look at a project that is remarkable in several respects.
Whether it's for a move, a bill, or a meter reading, there's no shortage of reasons for calls to Engie's customer relations service. Add to this a very high annual call volume and an impressive number of numbers to manage, and the complexity of implementing a visual IVR becomes evident.
However, whether it's to streamline calls, encourage autonomous journeys, or offer a 24/7 customer service, the stakes of such an implementation are multiple for a company like Engie.
To meet these challenges, a solution seemed pertinent: to offer an omnichannel journey by unifying different contact channels to offer a seamless customer experience. The visual IVR is thus offered from 3 locations :
On Engie's dedicated site, the corresponding number (09 69 39 99 93) was present in the footer and generated a significant flow of calls to the customer relationship center. From the customer's side, the experience was largely optimizable with the absence of prequalification of call reasons before the call and few alternative solutions offered.
To rationalize this situation, the idea was to plug the visual IVR into the website to route calls from this source to the interface without significantly impacting the website's design. The solution? Implementing a tag that makes the phone number in the footer clickable, thus routing the user to the interface.
During a call to 09 69 324 324 before being connected to an advisor, faced with a too-long waiting time announcement, the customer had no other option but to wait or to retry the call later.
Now, as already implemented on Engie Gaz Réglementé (3460), by calling Engie's Public Service number, the customer will be offered at key points in the IVR to receive an SMS to access the visual IVR. This allows them to find a contact solution more quickly, even during closing/overload hours. Indeed, when no advisor can handle the call, the visual IVR allows the customer to send an email, which will enable their request to be processed later.
Eager to offer a unique experience to its customers, Engie has also enabled access to the interface directly from a phone call for smartphones equipped with a Dial Once community mobile app and calling 09 69 324 324.
The unification of Engie's contact channels via its visual IVR was therefore a major project in 2017, but this seems to be just the beginning, with new features expected to follow in 2018…