
Use a customer relationship chatbot without fear of slippage!

Updated on 09/02/2024
Secure use of AI chatbots in customer relations with DialOnce

Recently, an incident involving the DPD courier's chatbot attracted attention. In a viral interaction, the chatbot surprisingly criticized DPD's services, calling them slow and untrustworthy, "the worst in the world".

This episode highlights the crucial importance of reliability in chatbot technologies, especially when used for customer relations.
At issue is generative AI, which is not always carefully embedded in these technologies.

The need for reliable, weak AI

Indeed, a chatbot is not just an automation tool, it's also the face of the company in the digital world. Mistakes and unexpected behavior can seriously damage a brand's reputation, highlighting the need for reliable, tested and well-managed AI.

Finally, even beyond reputation, everyone knows that good customer service makes a company highly competitive in its market.
If customers are increasingly in favor of self-care, we need to ensure that we provide them with tools that live up to their expectations. This objective is perfectly attainable today, provided certain rules relating to reliability, security and RGPD constraints are respected.

Prompting and indexation

Companies wishing to set up a chatbot for customer relations should be extremely vigilant about their service provider's ability to control the sources of information that will feed the bot, to control hallucinations and to manage "out of scope" situations.
DialOnce's omnichannel bot, for example, doesn't just call up the generative AI to respond to a customer. Our R&D department has developed a multi-AI engine, boosted by generative AI and specialized in customer relations, which will enable us to qualify the question precisely before answering it. The quality of the answers will come from the control we have over the corpus of documents, due to a unique technology for classifying and indexing contact patterns and answers used in customer relations, in every sector of activity. Coupled with generative AI, the result is a bot that is both highly efficient and totally controlled. No fear of slippage! 
At this point, it's clear that document indexing is strategic.
No less strategic is prompting, which, if the bot is finely tuned to a quality database, will deliver excellent results. To fully understand this point, read also:
7 tips for choosing a good customer relations chatbot 

Security and Privacy

Finally, when setting up a chatbot for customer relations, it is essential to respect a number of security and confidentiality rules to protect the interests of both the company and its users.
Legal compliance, consent and transparency are of course essential, but beyond these obvious principles, data protection remains a sensitive point not to be treated lightly.
Robust security measures must be put in place to protect user data from unauthorized access, leakage and hacking. This includes encrypting data in transit and at rest, using secure networks and implementing security protocols such as HTTPS.

By adhering to these basic rules, you'll not only be helping to protect your users' data, but also building a relationship of trust that's essential to the success of your customer relationship chatbot service, and avoiding any slip-ups that could damage your reputation!

In conclusion, the DPD incident demonstrates that, despite technological advances, reliability remains a major challenge for chatbots. 

>> At DialOnce, we understand the importance of offering reliable and secure solutions for customer relations. 10 years of R&D dedicated to innovation and excellence in this field give us a real edge in our market, and allow us to take our customers serenely to the next level.

"At DialOnce, we understand the importance of offering reliable and secure solutions for customer relations. 10 years of R&D dedicated to innovation and excellence in this field give us a real edge in our market, and allow us to confidently lead our customers into the chatbot era of customer relations!"

Pierre-Eric Marchandet

CTO, DialOnce

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